Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Good Bye 2015

Today is the last day of 2015. It's been a funny old year this year. I have, for a long time,  felt that odd numbered years are more difficult than the evenly numbered years. I know it sounds silly. For me odd years bring change, struggle, new journeys ahead (interestingly both my boys were born on odd years). Odd years tend to bring the most personal growth, they tend to be busy but also unsettling.

Even years tend to allow me to catch my breath a bit, they are often quite fruitful and life generally flows a little easier. They can bring closure and even sad good byes. Overall though they are more down hill (odd years being up hill). A good even year will see me more balanced and centred and hopefully happy, which of course is preparation for another odd year. The cycle of life I guess.

So good bye 2015 you have brought me new directions, friends and renewed aspirations. I can't say I am sad to see you go, you haven't been easy. But, you have not failed to disappoint. I am definitely not the same person I was at the start of the year and for that I thank you.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blowing in the wind.

Sometimes I can paint something once and it just works (yes, this is a rare thing).  Other times I find myself painting the same painting once, twice, five times and it's still not right. Each time you paint it though you learn something new and the end result is usually better for it. Today was one of those days.

I painted this little painting 4 times. Each version was slightly different. I then line them all up and study them with a critical eye. I like my watercolour to be spontaneous and flowing. I like to get into the zone and work quickly and confidently. I'm never entirely happy with the end result but hey, it's the journey not the destination, right?

Correa Reflexa

Australian native fuchsia 'Correa Reflexa' has these sweet little bell shaped flowers and olive green leaves. I recently bought some for my back garden which gets a lot of western sun and needs something water wise and low maintenance. I painted this at my kitchen bench where I do a lot of painting these days. Actually I prefer to stand up while I paint so the kitchen bench top is just the right height.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Fern Leaf

My goal is to try and paint something most days, it doesn't need to be anything grand. A simple fern leaf from the garden can make a fine little painting. I would much prefer to be painting than house cleaning, cooking or doing laundry.  Finding that balance of work and play has always been difficult for me. I don't know how others do it so well.

Study of leaves.

Quick sketches with a paint brush. Minimal colours used, these sketches are mostly a warm up to get the creative juices flowing. Sometimes the end result is terrible, sometimes lovely surprises can happen. Really it is about splashing that first colour onto a blank page.

More leaves, this time looking at fern leaf shapes (see below). I like this colour combination of Australian gold and prussian blue. The greens it creates are wonderful.

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